Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 4 (almost the beginning)

This story begins with a tragedy, the parting of lifelong friends. This may be a bit dramatic, considering I'm talking about my relationship with food, however I must admit that a recent diagnosis left me in mourning. I am missing all things delicious (as I typed delicious, I imagined myself biting into a moist piece of chocolate cake.... I miss my friend).

About two weeks ago I was told I have something called Fructose Malabsorbtion. What the heck is that, you ask? Well, it basically means that my body has a hard time processing fructose, and as a result it causes some pretty serious stomach situations. The symptoms have been around for awhile, so it was a great relief when I figured out what was wrong. However, it meant that in order to control my symptoms I have to follow a pretty strict diet, avoiding fructose.

Fructose is a form of sugar most commonly found in fruits and vegetables, but is also present in wheat and lactose. This means a protein rich diet with about a cup of fruits a vegetable allowed a day. Oatmeal, rice, and other gluten free grains are permitted, but I have found that oatmeal kinda hates me.. so I stay away.

With a change in diet, came the need to change my focus. Being someone who loves food, (I watched food network like an inmate with a Playboy), I needed something to keep my mind busy. Given that this diet would inevitably result in some weight loss, I wanted to take advantage and kick start the process.

I decided to see what would happen if I took a Zumba class everyday for 30 days. What would the transformation look like? Lord knows I can stand to lose a couple of pounds.

Important Facts About Me:

I'm no where near coordinated
My rhythm is often times lacking


Height-      5'2
Pant Size- 12/14
Weight ................... I will give starting and ending weight at the end of the 30 days.

Today is day 5.

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